PUA College Game Is VERY Different From Cold Approach Pick Up

If you're a college pua, then hopefully you already know the information I'm about to share with you... if you don't, not only have you not been getting the results you truly deserve in college, you're slaughtering your social value on campus by using your pick up tactics on campus.

College game is NOTHING like traditional cold approach pick up. Let's look more closely at traditional cold approach pick up first When you approach a woman in traditional pick up, it's largely assumed that you never met her before. Nobody in the club really knows each other. If she rejects you, it doesn't matter because you'll never see her again. You only have a limited amount of time to let her get to know you, so you try to demonstrate higher value as much as you can so that she will want to get to know you better.

You're probably aware that none of this is true in a university environment. In college, everybody knows somebody who knows you. You've seen a lot of the girls you approach before, and you have a reputation as a result that either helps your game, or kills it.You can't afford to put all your chips on the table and approach a girl cold. If she rejects you, your social value goes down and there's nothing you can do about it. You have four years to get to know many of the girls. If you shove a bunch of DHV stories down her throat, it comes off as try hard.

So why is college game different that traditional pick up Because college is like a huge tribe, and the real world is not. The rules of the tribe are different.

Think about it... How long do you think Mystery would be able to get away with his tactics in a caveman tribe ten thousand years ago He might have gotten some action once or twice, but sooner or later the women would all reject him and eventually he would have been kicked out by the true alpha males of the tribe.

Mystery ten thousand years ago would have been a wondering nomad in the deserts somewhere....

Being social and getting girls was never about using tactics and snatching girls away. It's about being a cool fun leader of the group. It's about contributing to the group, and taking care of everyone in it.

Social circle game is all about positioning. It is possible to position yourself withing a social scene so that you are the high status leader and all the hottest girls flock to you. No pick up line required... EVER.

Cold approach is great, but it has a time and place. When I first discovered the community I thought pick up with everything. It's not, and thinking that way is very detrimental to your long term success.

Cold approach in college makes you look bad for several reasons. The biggest one, is that a truly preselected alpha male does not chase girls. Girls chase him. The very act of cold approaching a girl on campus is a gigantic DLV. At best you look like a sleazy player, at worst, you look desperate.

It is very abnormal for a girl to speak to a guy who is outside of her social group. Even if you have enough game to make her attracted, college girls have an added defense system. Unlike women in the real world, they are hyper-concerned about maintaining their reputation within the social group. It is not socially acceptable for her to fool around with a random guy she does not know. The pure fact that you are a random guy triggers her defense.

The guys who get the most girls in college are not random pua dudes. Its the guy who knows EVERYONE. Building a large social circle is critical in college game. The fact is that you've probably played social circle game before, but back then, you were not that good at it. Building a social circle has now become a science. You can learn more about it on my website.

Caleb Clayton is a professional dating coach and social circle expert. He is the author of, Social Circle Game A Guide To Dating And Social Mastery, He consults guys one on one and helps them build a large social circle, make more friends, and date more women. Learn more about social circle game at httpwww.TheCollegeCupids.com.